Maternity care after still-birth or deceased baby
When you receive the bad news that your (unborn) baby has deceased or isn’t viable, your world stops right there and then, causing immense pain and sadness. However, it is possible to receive maternity care in this case.

You’ve become a mother and therefore you are a postpartum woman. Your maternity nurse will carry out medical check-ups and will assist you in your personal care. Moreover she will give you practical support in everything that comes your way, such as receiving visitors, small chores, preparing meals. She closely works together with the funeral undertaker. There is specialised funeral care for parents that have lost their baby. Should you want to know more about this, please contact us.
The maternity nurse will also be there to make important memories with you. Memories that will help you later on in your grieving process. Anything is possible and open to discussion. Your maternity nurse will respond to the wishes and needs you share with her.
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