Preparing for birth
Well begun is half done! In case of a birth that phrase seems a bit too simplistic; a birth is always hard work. However, you may well benefit from good preparations in terms of minimizing fear and insecurity. When you are able to relax during labour you are less affected by pain and more likely to calmly endure contractions. Being relaxed can contribute to a more pleasant course of the birth process.

Courses and education
Good preparations can bring you peace and a sense of security. Taking a course or attending an information evening is a sensible first step. During such a course or evening you obtain a lot of helpful information and you are able to ask all your questions. You also meet other pregnant women with whom you can share your experiences and tips.
The Verloskundig Cursus Centrum Nijmegen (VCCN) offers the following courses:
- Pregnancy course
- Pregnancy course (short)
- Pregnancy course online (short)
- Fit and balanced again
- Pregnant Together
The Verloskundig Cursus Centrum Nijmegen (VCCN) offers the following information evenings:
- Birth
- Breastfeeding
- Parenting
- After birth: The first months with your baby
You can find current information about courses and evenings on the VCCN website.

Meet our maternity nurses
We understand it can be reassuring to already meet our maternity nurses. There are several events where we are present:
Information evening UMC Radboud
UMC Radboud organizes information evenings every first Tuesday of the month. During these evenings you are provided with information about birth and admittance in hospital and how your transfer from hospital to maternity care at your residence is organized. At the moment the information will be given digitally.
Information evening midwife practice Ode
Ode in Lent used to organize information evenings about nutrition before the COVID pandemic. We helped organize those evenings and were present for any questions. We hope to resume these evenings in the future.
Centering Pregnancy
Between week 12 and 14 you can visit “Centering Pregnancy” meetings. These meetings are organized by your midwife and usually they are assisted by some of our maternity nurses. Read more about what to expect from these meetings in our timeline.
6 tips for a good preparation to the birth of your child.
It is always nice to start the birth process with confidence. Knowing you’ve made proper arrangements and preparations will give you peace. We will give you 5 tips about how to prepare.
- Making a birth plan
Before and during birth you will have to make a lot of choices. These choices can be noted in your birth plan; e.g. where you wish to give birth, who will be present and how you feel about pain relief. You can discuss this birth plan in advance with your midwife and your Maternity Care organization. - Courses and attending information evenings
Various courses and information evenings are organized by Verloskundige Cursus Centrum Nijmegen (VCCN) as you were able to read above. This provides you with a lot of information about many different subjects; how to endure contractions, how to relax during labour etc.
TIP: Babybalance is an online platform to help you get extra prepared. Babybalance gives you access to reliable videos about all phases of pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. Read more about Babybalance. - Preparing the bed for birth
From 36 weeks it is wise to use a cellulose pad to protect your mattress. Should your waters break, the pad will absorb the fluids. From 37 weeks it is requested that you elevate your bed to the proper height, approximately 80 cm to the top of the mattrass, by using crates or bed bobbins. Have a bedpan present as well. - Getting your emergency bag ready
From 37 weeks labour can start at any moment. Have your emergency bag packed and ready to grab in case you need to go to the hospital. You can read about the items you should pack on this website. - Arranging Maternity Care
Your maternity nurse is by your side during birth and the postpartum period. We take care of you, your baby and your family during the maternity week. It is reassuring to know that you don’t have to do it all alone. We get acquainted during the intake and explain what you can expect of maternity care. Moreover, we are curious about your wishes and desires for the upcoming maternity week. In the confirmation email for your intake date we will let you know how to prepare for the intake. More about our Maternity Care - Getting enough rest
Your due date is closing in. Try to make all the arrangements on time and take your maternity leave as soon as it is possible and when you need it. Above all, try to relax. Spoil yourself with a pregnancy massage and give your body the rest it needs.
Familie Evers
Kraamverzorgende: Jolanda
Jolanda werd onze kant op gestuurd en wat een geweldige kraamverzorgster is zij! Dankzij haar snelle actie rondom de borstvoeding, kolven en bijvoeden hebben wij sinds dag 4 een heel tevreden meisje dat goed kon herstellen van de heftige bevalling. Dankzij Jolanda kon ik de rust die ik zo hard nodig heb echt pakken om mijn lichaam te laten herstellen van de zware bevalling.
En daarnaast was Jolanda nog zoveel meer! Een gezellige klets, hulp in het huishouden, schat voor onze oudste en steun en toeverlaat tijdens de kraamtranen.
Enorm bedankt dat jullie ons zo last minute toch deze geweldige kraamweek hebben kunnen bieden. En wauw, wat fijn dat Jolanda voor jullie werkt en veel gezinnen van haar mogen genieten! Bedankt.
Kraamverzorgende: Patricia
“Een goed begin is het halve werk” zeggen ze wel eens. Dat is bij kraamzorg natuurlijk extra belangrijk. Hierbij gaat het niet om een klein projectje, maar om het opvoeden van een mensenkind.
Na een zware bevalling hadden wij de behoefte om met z’n drieën rustig bij te komen. Gelukkig kregen wij daarvoor van Patricia alle ruimte. Hierbij was zij niet alleen goede hulp met betrekking tot het opvoeden van een baby, maar was zij een betrokken luisterend oor.
Zonder uitvoerig vooraf te hebben gesproken voelde Patricia haarfijn aan waar onze behoeftes lagen en wat onze visie op opvoeding is. We vonden het erg prettig dat hier weinig woorden voor nodig waren.
Nadat we de deur achter Patricia sloten op de laatste kraamdag misten we haar prettige gezelschap al meteen. We hopen haar in de toekomst nog eens tegen te komen.

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Find your Maternity Care Centre
We provide maternity care in the whole Zuid-Gelderland region; the area between Arnhem and Nijmegen and a number of municipalities just past the German border. We also cover the municipalities Cuijk, Grave, Mook, Molenhoek and Landerd as well as the villages Herpen, Neerloon, Overlangel and Ravenstein.