Collega’s aan het woord
We are a close-knit team of colleagues. Every mother, every family, every baby is unique. Listening to your wishes, empathizing with your situation and responding to your needs. That is our strength.

Esther – Registration and intake
I and my colleagues are your first point of contact for KZG throughout your pregnancy. We take care of your registration and plan the intake interview. We will then be in touch again. You can always call or email us if you have a question. We often have the answer ourselves, otherwise we know where to go.
What I enjoy most about my work is the contact with pregnant women. Usually the circumstances are cheerful and full of expectation. And if that is not the case, I think it is important to be of support.

Sandra – Maternity nurse
How long have you worked at KZG?
I have been working at Kraamzorg Zuid Gelderland for 35 years.
What makes the work of a maternity nurse fun?
Firstly, being able to be present during the birth is very special, but also because having children does not belong to one specific group, it remains a very varied job. .
What do you do to ensure that your care meets the needs of the clients as best as possible?
Because the families are so different, it is always a challenge to organize such a maternity week professionally. with conviviality and tranquility, well and safely run. And in such a way that everyone feels comfortable in her and/or his own home. Making good agreements together and creating openness to adjust these agreements is the key to making it a very special maternity week together. Of course when there is a party, but also when things are not going so well or have not gone well, it is very nice to be there for the families.
Mariska – Maternity nurse
How long have you been working at KZG?
I started retraining as a maternity nurse at KZG in September 2021 and have therefore been working at this organization for a few months.
What makes the work of a maternity nurse fun?
It is so fun and special because you can support people in a beautiful, special time. Or you can provide support when other things are going on, even if things have not gone well. As a maternity nurse you encounter many situations and you also get very close. You really get into everyday life, where a lot changes with the arrival of a baby.
What do you do to ensure that your care meets the needs of the clients as best as possible?
What I find especially important is to clearly explain what we do and what they can do from us to expect. And that they can indicate what they like and what they don’t, so that together we can make it a wonderful maternity week. I try to convey my knowledge well and guide the maternity family as best as possible in a professional manner.
My mission has been successful if, after this time, people have a pleasant memory of this special time and that they have the confidence that they can really do this without me.
Even when people experience intense things, that they have given me good support as a maternity nurse.

Marian – Operations Manager
Together with my colleagues from the business office, I ensure that the care you request is provided 24 hours a day when you request it. It is clear that this is sometimes quite a challenge, because a birth simply cannot be planned.
Of course, you can always contact us with any questions you may have during your pregnancy and postpartum period. We are happy to assist you.
The great thing about my/our work is hearing at the end of the maternity period that you have had a valuable maternity week, which gives you the basis to enter the future with your child with confidence. Then we have made the right match! And that’s why we do it.